
With passion for the energy efficient and climate smart properties of the future.

Urban Doverholt


Urban has an MSc in mechanical engineering and industrial economics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and further management education from IMD. He is also a board member of companies like SSF Stöldskyddsföreningen, Swesec Service Aktiebolad, Sdiptech AB and a chairman of Amido AB and SIIV Automation Holding AB. Urban has previously been the CEO of ASSA AB.

Arash Raisse

Board member

Arash holds a Master's degree from Stockholm School of Economics and has also studied at the University of Madison and the UCLA Anderson School of Management. He’s experienced in supporting entrepreneurial leaders through an expedition journey and has a special interest in businesses linked to energy-efficient buildings.

Bjarne Johansson

Board member

Bjarne is a co-owner and has been involved since the start of Systeminstallation AB (SI) in 1998. He is responsible for the safety and technical performance of all solutions from SI. Bjarne learned to program at a young age and has broad technical expertise.

Henrik Flygar

Board member

Henrik has over 20 years of experience as an investor in small and medium-sized growth companies. He co-founded Alder in 2008 and is passionate about combining environmentally friendly solutions with long-term businesses.

Mia Edofsson

Board member

Head of Sustainability at the real estate company Akademiska Hus since 2012. She has a long and broad experience in business development and sustainability issues within several different industries.

Bobo Ekelundh

Board member

Bobo is one of four co-owners who started and started and developed Systeminstallation AB (SI). Together with the other founders of SI, he learned how to program at a young age. Bobo has been the driving force in the development of innovative, energy-efficient solutions within energy and operation.

Vi är nyfikna på dina
utmaningar kring att spara
energi i fastigheter.

We are curious about your
your challenges regarding saving
energy in properties.